Tifariti 002 Lunar Meteorite

Tifariti 002 Lunar MeteoriteFind / Fall: Found 2022
Location: Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara
Classification: Lunar (feldsp. breccia)
Total Known Weight: 5.8 kg

Tifariti 002 is a lunar feldspathic breccia meteorite found in 2022 near Bir Tiguisit in southern Morocco. One large stone weighing 3.4 kg was recovered along with 2.4 kg of smaller pieces for a total known weight of 5.8 kg. The meteorite was purchased in Laayoune in April of 2022. No fusion crust is seen on the Tifariti 002 lunar meteorite stones. Tifariti 002 is a breccia composed of mineral clasts of anorthite, olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, subcalcic augite and augite set in a fine grain matrix. Tifariti 002 has a low shock level and a low weathering state. The meteorite is hard and has been given a high polish on one side.

Tifariti 002 Lunar Meteorite Information

Tifariti 002 Lunar Meteorites For Sale

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Tifariti 002 Lunar Meteorite 3.52g
Tifariti 002 Lunar Meteorite 3.52g
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