Touat 005 Lunar Meteorite

Touat 005 Lunar MeteoriteFind / Fall: Found – 2020
Location: Adrar, Algeria
Classification: Lunar (feldspathic breccia)
Total Known Weight: 3.71 kg

The Touat 005 lunar meteorite has been classified as a feldspathic fragmental breccia. Two stones of identical appearance were found by meteorite hunters in 2020. The total known weight of Touat 005 is 3.71 kgs. There was no fusion crust found on the stones.

The Touat 005 lunar meteorite is composed of white plagioclase megacrysts up to 2 cm in size and anorthosite crystals which may be euhedral set in a dark glassy matrix. Touat 005 has shock veins and vesicles evidence of the high stock stage the meteorite has. Toaut 005 is only moderately weathered. This is a very attractive lunar meteorite with a different mixture of clast than many other feldspathic breccias. The sliced pieces offered here are highly polished on one side.

Touat 005 Lunar Meteorite Information

Touat 005 Lunar Meteorite For Sale

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