Tisserlitine 001 Lunar Meteorite

Tisserlitine 001 Lunar MeteoriteFind / Fall: Find: 2019
Location: Gao, Mali
Classification: Lunar (feldsp. breccia)
Total Known Weight: 57.41 kg

Tisserlitine 001 is classified as a Lunar Feldspathic Regolithic Breccia Meteorite. Tisserlitine 001 was found in Mali in 2019. Many distinctive meteorite stones were found in the Kidal region. The total known recovered weight of is 57.41 kilograms. One large stone of 40 kilograms along with another meteorite of 4 kilograms, plus 44 additional smaller stones were purchased by one individual in January 2020. The remaining material approximately 8.5 kilograms in weight was purchase by another individual in February and March of 2020.

All the pieces of Tisserlitine 001 have a flat slab-like form with a knobby exterior. The exterior of the stones is a medium brown color. The interior of Tisserlitine 001 is a tan to pinkish hue with whitish, light gray, and dark gray clasts. Small metal grains are seen in the meteorite. Some alteration and replacement of minerals is noted in Tisserlitine 001 and seems to be the result of hydrothermal processes.

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About Lunar Meteorite Tisserlitine 001

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