Thailand Splashform Tektite Assortments in 250 gram lots


Availability: 8 in stock

SKU: BT-250 Category:
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Thailand Splashform Tektite Assortments in 250 gram lots

Very little splashform tektite material is being offered for sale today from Thailand. These assortments are an opportunity to obtain fine quality material from a major collector of the last century. Packaged in lots of 250 grams, buyers wishing larger amounts need simply select the number of 250 gram lots required to reach the total they desire.

The assortments offered here contain specimens of many of the different possible shapes such as teardrops, dumbbells or rods, patties, spheres or ovoids, and pieces of bubble forms. As ancient natural glass objects, they are sometimes found with chips. Attempts have been made to eliminate specimens with major chips from the assortments, but the occasional small chip may be seen on specimens. This is very normal since they are glass objects of great age.

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