
SafforditeSaffordites are a lovely lavender colored natural glass stone found only in one place on Earth. Often called Saffordite tektites or sometimes referred to as Arizona Tektites, they are really members of the obsidian glass family of rocks. Saffordite stones are mysterious in many ways. For example, Saffordite hunting has been enjoyed by many people for years and yet the source where Saffordites originate has never been found. They may have been moved by water many miles during the ages they have been in the ground.

Saffordites usually have a round or oval shape which supports the idea that they have been tumbled and shaped by agitation in flowing water. The surface of Saffordites is usually pitted with cup-shaped depressions similar to the ones found in tektites. Some Saffordites are gemmy clear and sparkling when held to a light. Other Saffordites are banded or translucent instead of clear. Some are opaque but each type of Saffordite will appear very black when seen without light from behind. When they are viewed with a light from behind they truly show off their inner beauty. The banded Saffordites are often especially interesting when backlit.

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