NWA 10731 L3-6 Meteorite

NWA 10731 L3-6 MeteoriteNorthwest Africa 10731
Location: Northwest Africa
Find / Fall: Find 2009
Classification: Chondrite L3-6

Northwest Africa 10731 is a fascinating meteorite. Classified finally as an L 3-6 genomict breccia it contains material that is on the boundary of type LL. The metal abundance in the meteorite is also transitional with type LL meteorites. The single mass of 1439 grams was discovered interesting during cutting. It is a quite fresh stone of weathering grade W1. The stone is moderately shocked with a shock state of S4. There is abundant FeS (troilite) in the meteorite found as droplets, veins, rims on chondrules, and as irregular shaped masses. Metallic copper has been discovered in the meteorite. The type 3 material is found as fragments in the main lithology, the type 6 material is seen as large clasts, there are areas of glass that appear as darkened masses. The abundant visible chondrules and chondrule fragments make this a most interesting stone to study and its unusual classification and characteristics make it a meteorite for any collector.

NWA 10731 Meteorite For Sale

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