NWA 13788 Lunar Meteorite 5.91g


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SKU: 13788-14 Category:
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Northwest Africa (NWA) 13788 Lunar Meteorite

NWA 13788 is an impact melt breccia with angular to subrounded mineral and lithic clasts set in a mostly glassy matrix of brown, flow banded, vesicular partly de-vitrified glass and fine grained crystalline impact melt. The lithic clasts in NWA 13788 are mostly anorthitic plagioclase with a smaller amount of olivine and pigeonite. As a melt stone it has a high shock state but it has a low weathering state.

NWA 13788 is an attractive colorful meteorite which we have sliced and polished to a bright surface. NWA 13788 is one of only nine meteorites from the Moon that has the classification of Lunar Melt Breccia.

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