NWA 12262 Martian Meteorite
Find / Fall: Found – 2018
Location: Northwest Africa
Classification: Martian (shergottite)
Total Known Weight: 3.29 kg
NWA 12262 is a Martian Shergottite. A total of 3292 grams of NWA 12262 was found in 2018. It is a highly shocked meteorite with a low state of weathering. NWA 12262 is a medium-grain, olivine-free shergottite. It displays a diabasic texture with some small glassy shock melt pockets. Though grain size may vary between the meteorites it has been suggested that NWA 12262 may be related to several other Martian meteorites which originated from one heterogeneous single meteoroid found at a single location.
NWA 12262 has a brownish color with a hint of green reminiscent of olive-drab. Cut slices show a mixture of dark nearly black crystals and dark brown crystals. It is a fantastic meteorite. With only a few hundred pound total of Mars rocks on Earth NWA 12262 is a great opportunity to obtain a sample of the Red Planet.
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About Martian Meteorite NWA 12262