Polished Muong Nong

Polished Muong NongThese specimens of Muong Nong have been cut and polished.  All of our Muong Nong specimens are from the Darryl Futrell Collection of Tektites.

Muong Nong tektites, or layered tektite glass, is not commonly found in any of the tektite strewnfields except the Indochinite strewnfield. In all the others this layered glass is found only as a very rare piece. But, in the younger Indochinite impact region this glass is found as both large and small masses. It is chemically dry though not as dry as splash form tektite glass an is therefore not possibly of any other origin than that by asteroid or comet impact.

Please Note: Most Muong Nong specimens have chips on them. Much of the Muong Nong material has been obtained from bomb craters in Eastern Laos.

Polished Muong Nong Tektites For Sale

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