Canyon Diablo Iron Meteorite

Find / Fall: Find – 1891
Location: Arizona, USA
Classification: Iron, IAB-MG
Total Known Weight: 30 Metric Tons

The Canyon Diablo iron meteorites arrived 49,000 years ago when an asteroid plunged into North Central Arizona, forming Meteor Crater. Thousands of meteorite fragments of the asteroid were scattered by the explosion over the area. They were named the Canyon Diablo meteorites after the river gorge near the crater and they are among the most historically significant meteorites available to collectors. Made of nickel-iron with inclusions of graphite and other minerals they are classified as Coarse Octahedrite Iron Meteorites. The smaller fragments show the effects of being torn apart by the tremendous crater-forming explosion. Thin sharp edges and twisted metal are typical features of the meteorites from Meteor Crater.

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